Group Therapy creates a space for members  to share experiences and explore parts of themselves with others - our therapist uses skills to guide the process in the group and support members ability to connect in a safe space. All of our groups are for Adults only. To learn more contact us or read more about our services.  At this time groups are held on Zoom with a 3 members minimum and 10 maximum.  

Intimacy in Relationships- A process group for individuals with relationships issues and a desire to develop intimacy, trust, emotional  closeness and overcome barriers  for getting sexual and emotional needs met. 

The Being group- Process group for individuals looking to connect and explore loneliness, choices and meanings together and work through anxieties and depression.

Survivors of Rape and Sexual Abuse- Process group for survivors of sexual trauma looking to connect with other survivors and overcome the challenges today that are impacted by the past. 

  חיים באמריקה- מרגישים לחוצים? עצבניים? דכאוניים? לא שייכים או מובנים?- קבוצת תמיכה לישראלים עם הבנה לתרבות הישראלית וכלים לצמחיה ושינוי

Group Therapy